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Orphans and vulnerable children are resilient, healthy and see purpose in their lives now and in the future. OVC reside in self-sufficient, vibrant and nurturing communities and households.”



To promote and empower Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) through the provision of a holistic approach to OVC welfare, by developing a child driven system of care, which focus on care, support and prevention of the child vulnerability and maximum community integration​​​



  1. Strengthen the capacity of families to protect and care for orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) and those with special needs by providing economic, psychosocial and other support needed.
  2. To ensure access of OVC to essential services, including education, health care and birth registration
  3. To mobilize and support the community and ensure that duty-bearers keep their promise to children and foster community awareness about the resolution of social problems.
  4. To conduct a best practices research of responses from street children through baseline surveys, and to share the information gathered with all stakeholders so as to clearly understand the OVCs.
  5. To review the existing legislation on children and how these could be strengthened and to actively lobby for policy formulation of child friendly practices and legislation not only in zimbabwe, but in the greater SADC area and African as a whole
  6. To assist the Government of the day to consider re-equip and transform its welfare departments into development departments.
  7. To actively practice lobbying, advocacy and social mobilization of the general populace so that child rights stand out in the national discourse;
  8. To assist the OVCs affected or infected with HIV/AIDS access to medical assistance and to educate them with life skills about how to deal with their varied situations; and
  9. To activate an anti-street kids movement that emphasizes training and reintegration into the communities of these kids; and
  10. To do any and all activities that shall allow and permit the trust to achieve all the above stated objectives within the tenets of the laws of the republic of Zimbabwe.
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